Project information
- Project start: 01/11/2012
- Project end: 31/01/2015
- Budget: 3.839.421€
- Funding program: FP7-ICT-2011-8
- URL: Visit website
Role of Hispasec
HISPASEC collaborated with the consortium in the collection and interpretation of data related to cyberattacks targeting mobile devices.
- Imperial College of Science
- Technology and Medicine
- Technishe Universität Berlin
- Ethniko Kentro Erevnas kai Technologikis Anaptyxis
- Cosmote Kinites Tileprikoinonies Monoprosopi
- Telecom Italia Information Technology
Security technologies for provisioning services in the intelligent mobile ecosystem were investigated and developed. Information was collected and analyzed on the nature of cyberattacks targeting smart mobile devices, so that appropriate countermeasures could be taken to combat them. These vulnerabilities were due to the heterogeneity of wireless interfaces, supported platforms, and services offered, so honeypots were used adapted to the main types of smartphones and devices. An infrastructure was developed that collected, detected, and provided early alerts of attacks on mobile devices, allowing an understanding of the modus operandi of cybercriminals targeting mobile devices. By correlating the information obtained from known attack patterns extracted from wired networks, possible changes in the way attackers launched attacks against smart mobile devices were identified.
Tags: «IT security», «Telecommunications», «R+D+i»